Casting Your Cares - BK

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Casting Your Cares Upon the Lord.jpg

Casting Your Cares - BK


Even believers get caught up in the hectic pace of modern life. They get so busy with secular or ministerial work, family life, and just day-to-day tasks that sometimes the cares of life seem almost too heavy to bear.

Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin has the answers in this classic book. The sweet, anointed message will wash over you like the biblical "balm of Gilead," soothing those cares and giving you strength in your pilgrim journey.

Casting Your Cares is more than a book; it is an experience-an experience that has blessed its countless readers. They have written telling of lives changed, bodies healed, and burdens lifted as a result of reading it and following Rev. Hagin's good-humored, common sense advice. And if you know any "world champion worriers," this book is for them!

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